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How to Conduct A Technical SEO Site Audit

How to Conduct A Technical SEO Site Audit?

How to Conduct A Technical SEO Site Audit?

Conducting a technical SEO site audit is an integral part of understanding and enhancing your website’s visibility and performance in search engine rankings. This multifaceted process involves assessing various elements of your website that impact search engine visibility, including site structure, content quality, and mobile-friendliness. By utilizing key SEO tools, each offering unique insights into different aspects of your site’s SEO health, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of where your website stands and identify areas for improvement.

1. Understanding the Scope and Tools Required

Technical SEO audits involve assessing various elements of your website that impact its visibility and performance in search engines. Key tools for conducting these audits include Screaming Frog, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Ubersuggest, each offering unique insights into different aspects of your site’s SEO health​​.

2. Crawl Your Website

Begin by crawling your website using tools like Screaming Frog or Ubersuggest. This crawling process helps identify issues such as duplicate content, broken links, incorrect meta tags, and poor website structure. Website crawlers provide a comprehensive view of your site’s structure and highlight areas that require attention​​.

3. Evaluate On-Page SEO Elements

On-page elements like title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and structured data play a significant role in your site’s SEO performance. Ensuring these elements are correctly implemented and optimised is vital. For example, title tags should be concise and descriptive, meta descriptions compelling, and header tags used to structure content effectively​​.

4. Check Indexability and Mobile-Friendliness

Ensure that your site is indexable by search engines and mobile-friendly. Google’s mobile-first indexing makes it imperative that your site performs well on mobile devices. Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to assess the mobile usability of your site.

5. Assess Site Speed and Core Web Vitals

Site speed and Core Web Vitals are crucial factors in SEO. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights help analyse your site’s loading time, interactivity, and visual stability. Improving these aspects can significantly boost your SEO performance​​​.

6. Analyse Internal Linking and URL Structure

Internal linking helps distribute link equity across your website, while a well-structured URL can enhance user experience and search engine understanding. Check for broken internal links and optimise your URL slugs to be user-friendly. Avoid using underscores or overly long URLs.

7. Diagnose and Fix Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content can harm your SEO by confusing search engine indexing. Identify and resolve any duplicate content issues using tools like Copyscape or DeepCrawl. Implement canonical tags and revise content as needed to differentiate similar pages.

8. Review Back-end and Security Aspects

Check your website’s hosting, server response times, and SSL certificates. A secure, fast-loading site is favoured by both users and search engines. SSL certificates, in particular, are essential for ensuring your site is trusted and secure.

9. Benchmark Against Competitors

Compare your site’s performance with your competitors. This can provide insights into areas where they may be outperforming you and offer opportunities for improvement.

10. Schedule Regular Audits

SEO is an ongoing process. Regularly scheduling technical SEO audits, at least twice a year, can help maintain your site’s health and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of SEO standards and practices.


A technical SEO site audit is a comprehensive process that requires attention to detail and an understanding of the various components that contribute to your website’s search engine performance. By following these steps and utilizing the right tools, you can identify and fix issues that may be hindering your site’s SEO potential, ultimately leading to improved rankings and visibility in search engines. Want to know more about SEO blog writing? Contact PickaGeek today! 

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